“Hi, I’m Carly. Ptak. It’s pronounced Pah-Tack and it translates to Bird in Czech.
I’ve been transformationing my whole life, just like you have. I happen to be specially attuned to it because Pluto (the planet of transformation) is conjunct my Sun, as well as Venus and Mars, all in Libra. For me this has translated into having many relationships focused on transformation, as well as being very aware of the balance of the feminine and masculine within myself and others.
I traveled through India when I was 19 and met Kali, the Hindu goddess of Time, in Calcutta. We connected instantly and she has stood by as an energizer of my own transformation since. At the time I was studying Psychology and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan. I received my degree in 1996, but I was disillusioned by the academic approach to effecting change. So instead I decided to focus on the transformative nature of music and art while playing with the band Nautical Almanac and creating and curating Tarantula Hill in Baltimore with Twig Harper. During these years I became interested in subtle energy technology and connected with Duncan Laurie who has acted as mentor for me in both radionics and life.
In 2006 there was a fire at Tarantula Hill. During my personal shift I noticed that I was causing pain in my body through unexpressed emotion and thought it would be a good idea to see a hypnotherapist. While looking in the yellow pages for options a lightbulb went off and I realized that I didn’t want to SEE a hypnotherapist, I wanted to BE a hypnotherapist. I went to the Hypnotherapy Training Institute in Santa Rosa, CA almost immediately and was practicing by the end of the year. My teacher, Randall Churchill, told me I was a natural hypnotherapist, and I found it to be true; many of the beliefs I have always had around change finally were put into action through my one-on-one work with clients.
As I became more comfortable in my role as a hypnotherapist I began to recognize that I preferred to work with deep emotions and spiritual hypnosis. In 2011 I trained with the Michael Newton Institute to offer a Life Between Lives sessions. At the training, through my interactions with the other hypnotherapists I became acquainted with the idea of Spirit Release. This completely changed my practice. During the subsequent few years I learned how energies could attach to me and others, and how to release them and manage my energy to keep it clear of attachments. Over time I developed a method of Energy Release Process to use with clients and then teach them how to maintain their field.
During the period in which I was having difficulty keeping my self clear of energies I began to realize the necessity of having a daily personal energetic practice. I studied fire dragon qigong with Master Wu and then began to take classes in Matrix Energetics. This lead me to the Kundalini Awakening Process where I have practiced under Tao Semko for the last 9 years.
I also discovered Evolutionary Astrology though the work of Kaypacha, and studied with him as well as other evolutionary astrologers. I prefer this type of astrology because it includes past lives as an important part of a chart, and does not seek to define people or tell the future. Instead it focuses upon the archetypes that we all contain and the possible challenges that may arise as we travel our soul’s chosen path in this life. I give readings to established clients to assist in our explorations together.
In 2016 I began to realize how important it is to include the body in the process of transformation. In 2017 I began studying with Katie and Gay Hendricks focusing on body intelligence and how it relates to relationship. Their unique outlook has helped me in my personal life as well as with clients, and I am a certified Big Leap coach.
In 2019 I moved to Santa Barbara and began to study Sacred Anatomy Energy Medicine with Desda Zuckerman. This was a revelation for me as the work feels like the new energetic technology that I have been looking for for so long. Sacred Anatomy is highly technical, specific and detailed, which is what I love about it. I am now an SAEM practitioner and new worlds of awareness are continually opening up as I see the amazing changes taking place in myself and my clients.
As a lover of music and performer I found myself buying instruments and playing with them. In 2021 I purchased a large nepalese singing bowl that you can stand in, and realized that I should probably get some training in how to use properly. This lead me to study at the Globe Institute of Sound Healing in 2022, the only state-certified school offering certification in sound healing. The comprehensive 6 month program taught me about the use of vibration to initiate and integrate the changes already happening in my sessions. Given the opportunity I now incorporate tuning forks, vocal analysis and toning, and sound into sessions.
My current goal is to combine all of my natural proclivities and learned modalities to create powerful transformation in myself and others. I enjoy being efficient and effective and the modalities I work with tend to produce change quickly.”

I had always wanted to access deeper communications from the psyche by entering a hypnotic or altered state of consciousness. I chose Carly Ptak because I knew she specialized in this kind of work. I have had my first session with her, and it exceeded my highest expectations! Carly is a masterful guide who creates safe and radiant doorways for our inner exploration. I recommend her wholeheartedly to everyone wishing to touch new realms of who they really are.
Diane Skafte